Monday, July 30, 2012

Megan Turns Ten

I'm still recovering from Megan's sleep over birthday party that was held last weekend. Close to 20 little girls, ages 9 to 11, joined us to celebrate Meg's birthday. While I handled all the indoor festivities, Todd organized the hay ride, marshmallow roast, and took care of, which was a huge task with 20 girls. I understand that some of the girls didn't go to sleep until (gulp) 6:00 AM!  

I believe Megan's favorite part, aside from opening gifts, was smashing the pink flamingo pinata into pieces. Todd and I were so happy that she and her friends were happy. I hope they will have fond memories of the sleep over as I have many happy slumber party memories of my own.

With the birthday parties over, we can get busy planning a big celebration of our own - OUR MARRIAGE! We have lots to do in the meantime. There is an awful lot to combining two complete households into one. What a joyous task to look forward to.

Megan's Tenth Birthday Party 

 Megan's Cake

 Party Favors

 Anna Claire is Ready for Fun

 Pinata Time

 Hay Ride

Good Morning

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