Monday, July 30, 2012

Megan Turns Ten

I'm still recovering from Megan's sleep over birthday party that was held last weekend. Close to 20 little girls, ages 9 to 11, joined us to celebrate Meg's birthday. While I handled all the indoor festivities, Todd organized the hay ride, marshmallow roast, and took care of, which was a huge task with 20 girls. I understand that some of the girls didn't go to sleep until (gulp) 6:00 AM!  

I believe Megan's favorite part, aside from opening gifts, was smashing the pink flamingo pinata into pieces. Todd and I were so happy that she and her friends were happy. I hope they will have fond memories of the sleep over as I have many happy slumber party memories of my own.

With the birthday parties over, we can get busy planning a big celebration of our own - OUR MARRIAGE! We have lots to do in the meantime. There is an awful lot to combining two complete households into one. What a joyous task to look forward to.

Megan's Tenth Birthday Party 

 Megan's Cake

 Party Favors

 Anna Claire is Ready for Fun

 Pinata Time

 Hay Ride

Good Morning

Monday, July 23, 2012

Anna Claire's Third Birthday Tea

If I had to pick my favorite hobby, it'd be planning parties, especially birthday parties for little girls. Anna Claire's third birthday tea party was lots of fun this weekend. I learned a few things: No matter the time of day, outdoor parties in late July will be hot, prefabbed, plastic table skirts won't look good, no matter how hard you try, and outdoor kitties will make a mess of everything prior to the party, if given the chance. Other than those mishaps, the party was perfect. Anna Claire and Megan had a fun time, and that was the main objective.

As many of you know, I lost my Dad on July 14 after his battle with pancreatic cancer. While ironic that his death coincided with Anna's birthday, I find peace in the timing. Every year, we will have the opportunity to celebrate his life along with Anna's birthday. The two adored one another, so there is a silver lining to the coinciding dates. In his memory, we started a new tradition this year. At the conclusion of the party, we released balloons into the sky. Anna Claire was thrilled to send balloons to Papa in heaven. I look forward to continuing this tradition in the years to come. What a wonderful way to keep Dad's memory alive for our family.

Megan's tenth birthday party is scheduled for next weekend. The Harrison home will host 20+ little girls for a sleep over. Start praying folks!

Welcome to the Tea

Welcome Bunny

Coloring the Castle

 Tea Time

 Anna Claire Looking On

Potting Flowers

Sweet Friends 

Opening Gifts (and showing off) 

Family and Friends 

Birthday Suprise

 Making a Wish

 Sweet Megan and Anna with Bunnies

 Sending Balloons to Papa

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

We're Blogging

The word is out! Todd and I have set a date for our upcoming marriage! In that spirit, and as we come together as a family, I thought it would be fun to start a family blog. Let's see what happens.